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Kharif Crop Sowing Up 2% YoY, Driven by Improved Monsoon and Higher Paddy, Pulse Acreage

21 Aug 2024 11:17 am
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MUMBAI, 21 Aug (Commoditiescontrol): Farmers across India have sown kharif crops on 103.1 million hectares as of today, reflecting a 2% increase compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture. This growth in sowing, particularly for paddy and pulses, was bolstered by improved rainfall in July after a sluggish start in June.

Rice, one of the key kharif crops, saw a nearly 6% increase in sown area, reaching 36.9 million hectares. The progress in paddy sowing, coupled with ample rice stocks held by the government, has prompted authorities to permit grain-deficient states to procure rice from the Food Corporation of India through open market sales, bypassing the electronic auction process.

Pulse crops, which experienced lower production last year, also saw a 6% increase in acreage, now standing at 12 million hectares. Within this category, the area under tur (pigeon pea) surged by 12% to 4.5 million hectares. The early onset of the monsoon in key tur-producing states like Karnataka contributed significantly to this increase.

In Karnataka alone, tur acreage rose by 23% year-on-year to 1.6 million hectares, as per state sowing data. Favorable water levels in the state's reservoirs and above-normal rainfall have enhanced the prospects for tur production.

Maize sowing in Karnataka also increased, with the area reaching 1.53 million hectares as of Saturday, up from 1.48 million hectares last year. Nationally, maize acreage climbed 7% to 8.7 million hectares.

The area under oilseeds grew by 1% year-on-year to 18.6 million hectares, with soybean acreage increasing by 1% to 12.5 million hectares. Conversely, cotton acreage decreased by 9% from the previous year, now standing at 11.1 million hectares.

Earlier this month, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasted above-normal rainfall for the second half of the June-September monsoon season, with La Niña conditions expected to develop by late August. This outlook is positive for the agricultural sector, as many kharif crops rely heavily on monsoon rains. A staggered withdrawal of the monsoon would further benefit kharif crops and enhance soil moisture for the upcoming rabi season.

As of Thursday, water levels in key reservoirs across the country were at 69% of their total live capacity, 11% higher than the same time last year and 14% above the 10-year average. So far, the country has received 4% above-normal rainfall, totaling 642.9 mm during the southwest monsoon season.

Area: In lakh hactare
S. Area Sown
No. Crop 2024 2023
1 Paddy 369.05 349.49
2 Pulses 120.18 113.69
a Arhar 45.78 40.74
b Urdbean 28.33 29.52
c Moongbean 33.24 30.27
d Kulthi* 0.2 0.24
e Moth bean 8.95 9.28
f Other pulses 3.67 3.63
3 Shree Anna & Coarse Cereals 181.11 176.39
a Jowar 14.62 13.75
b Bajra 66.91 69.7
c Ragi 7.56 7.04
d Small millets 4.79 4.66
e Maize 87.23 81.25
4 Oilseeds 186.77 185.13
a Groundnut 46.36 42.61
b Soybean 125.11 123.85
c Sunflower 0.7 0.65
d Sesamum** 10.55 11.35
e Niger 0.27 0.24
f Castor 3.74 6.38
g Other Oilseeds 0.04 0.05
5 Sugarcane 57.68 57.11
6 Jute & Mesta 5.7 6.56
7 Cotton 111.07 122.15
Total 1031.56 1010.52

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau; +91 98201 30172)

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