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Kapas Arrivals Reach 27,200 Bales Across Major Producing States

18 Jun 2024 3:08 pm
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New Delhi, June 18 (Commodities Control): Kapas arrivals in the mandis of major producing states across India reached 27,200 bales on Tuesday, showing an increase from the 25,200 bales recorded on the previous working day.

Of the total arrivals, 700 bales were reported in Punjab, Haryana, and Upper and Lower Rajasthan. Gujarat saw an arrival of 7,000 bales, while Maharashtra received 14,000 bales.

In Madhya Pradesh, 700 bales arrived, and Andhra Pradesh-Telangana recorded 1,200 bales. Additionally, 1,600 bales arrived in Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka's mandis saw 2,000 bales. No bales arrived in Odisha.

(By CommoditiesControl Bureau: +91-9820130172)

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