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Guar Seed and Gum Prices Remain Flat

20 May 2024 9:42 pm
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Jodhpur, May 20 (Commodities Control): Guar seed and gum prices remained flat in the spot market today, as futures trading was suspended due to the general elections. The Indian commodity futures market was closed from 9 am to 5 pm, with the evening session set to open from 5 pm to 11:55 pm.

According to market sources, the average auction price range for guar seed was quoted between Rs 5000 and Rs 5275 per quintal. The all-paid prices for guar seed stood at Rs 5500 per quintal. Guar gum prices were steady at Rs 10,900 per quintal in Jodhpur, the benchmark market for these commodities.

Today’s market arrivals totaled 7800 bags.

Summary of Current Prices:
- Guar Seed (Auction Price Range): Rs 5000 - Rs 5275 per quintal
- Guar Seed (All Paid): Rs 5500 per quintal
- Guar Gum: Rs 10,900 per quintal
- Market Arrivals: 7800 bags

The stability in prices is expected to continue until normal trading resumes post-elections, allowing for a clearer market direction based on demand and supply trends.

(By CommoditiesControl Bureau: +91-9820130172)

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