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Natural Rubber's consumption in auto sector rises 3.2% during Covid-19 pandemic

2 Aug 2021 11:19 am
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Kochi 2 August ( Commodities control) Even in the midst of Covid pandemic, consumption of natural rubber (NR) by auto tyre sector recorded a growth of 3.2 per cent , during the year as against a high negative growth of 12.5 per cent recorded in 2019-20.

At the same time, the general rubber goods sector registered a negative growth of 16.4 per cent during 2020-21 compared to a positive growth of 8.6 per cent in 2019-20.

Total domestic NR consumption in 2020-21 was 10,96,410 tone, down 3.3 per cent from 11,34,120 tones consumed during 2019-20. Out of the total NR consumed by the industry, 47.6 per cent were Ribbed Smoked Sheet ( RSS), 42.3 per cent Technically Specified Rubber (TSR) and 7.7 per cent latex concentrates in 2020-21.

Increase in export helped the tyre sector to use more natural rubber. According to a data of Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA), India shipped 3.64 crore units of tyre during last financial year, up 8 per cent valued at Rs 14,097 crore. Value increased 10 per cent compared to the previous financial year. This performance is commendable as export was very weak in Q1 of 2020-21 due to the outbreak of Covid pandemic. In April – June (Q1) period tyre export dropped a whopping 23 per cent.

Import of NR declined during 2020-21 by 10.2 per cent to 410,478 tone from 457,223 tone during 2019-20. During 2020-21, 86 per cent of the total import was in the form of block rubber. Among the source countries of imports of NR into India, Indonesia dominated with a share of 39 per cent, followed by Vietnam (18%) and Cote D’ Ivoire (11%). The volume of NR Exports from the country also decreased to 11,343 tone in 2020-21 from 12,872 tone in 2019-20.

NR production in the country during 2020-21 was 715,000 tone, compared to 712,000 tone during 2019-20 recording a slight growth of 0.4 per cent compared to a growth of 9.4 per cent, registered during the previous year. The growth in production even in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic is attributed to several factors such as measures taken by the Rubber Board to increase production and productivity, favourable climate, supply of inputs, especially rain guarding materials and relatively higher price of rubber.

Even though the tappable area under rubber was 692,900 ha during 2020-21, only 496,000 ha (71.6 per cent ) has contributed to the NR production during the year. The average yield, measured in terms of production per hectare of tapped area decreased to 1442 kg/ha in 2020-21 from 1459 kg/ha in the previous year. The country produced 64.7 per cent RSS, 20.1 per cent TSR and 12.4 per cent latex concentrates, according to a Rubber Board data.

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau: +91-22-40015505)

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