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Rainfall during the second half of monsoon season most likely to be normal : IMD

1 Aug 2022 7:18 pm
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New Delhi, Aug 1 (Commoditiescontrol) Rainfall over the country as a whole during the second half (August to September period) of the southwest monsoon season, 2022 is most likely to be normal (94 to 106% of Long Period Average (LPA), IMD said today.

The normal to above normal rainfall is very likely to over most parts of south India except west coast, westcentral India and northwest India. The below normal rainfall is likely over many parts of the west coast and some parts of eastcentral, east and northeast India

Monthly rainfall over the country as a whole for the August 2022 is most likely to be normal (94 to 106 % of Long Period Average (LPA)). The normal to above normal rainfall is very likely over most parts of southeast India, northwest India and adjoining westcentral India. The below normal is likely over west coast and many parts of eastcentral, east and northeast India.

During August, 2022, the above normal maximum temperatures are likely over many parts of the eastcentral, east and northeast India and some parts of northwest and south interior peninsular India. The normal to below normal maximum temperatures are likely over remaining parts of the country. The above normal minimum temperatures are likely over some parts of east central, east, northeast and hilly areas of northwest India. The normal to below normal minimum temperatures are very likely over over many parts of northwest, westcentral and south India

Currently, La Niña conditions are prevailing over the equatorial Pacific region. The latest MMCFS forecast indicates that the La Niña conditions are likely to continue upto end of the year. Other climate models are also indicating enhanced probability for La Niña conditions during the upcoming season. At present neutral IOD conditions with negative Dipole Mode Index are present over the Indian Ocean and the latest MMCFS forecast indicates that the negative IOD conditions are likely to develop during the upcoming season.

IMD will issue the forecast for rainfall during September by 31st August or 1st September 2022.

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