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*India’s sugar production in 2022-23 rise 4.28% to 156.8 lakh tonnes as on Jan 15: ISMA.*

17 Jan 2023 12:53 pm
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Mumbai, January 17 (Commoditiescontrol) Sugar production across the country rose to 156.8 lakh tonnes during three and half months of the current cane crushing season 2022-23 (October-September), as per the data released by the Indian Sugar Mills Association on Tuesday.

According to ISMA, 515 sugar mills were in operation in the country as on 15th January 2023 and have produced 156.8 lakh tonnes of sugar, as compared to 150.8 lakh tonnes produced by 507 sugar mills as on 15th January’ 2022. This is 6 lakh tonnes higher as compared to last season’s production for the corresponding period.

In Maharashtra, 198 sugar mills, which are in operation, have produced 60.3 lakh tonnes till 15th January, 2023, as against 192 sugar mills which had produced 58.8 lakh tonnes last year upto same period. This is 1.5 lakh tonnes higher as compared to last season’s production for the corresponding period.

In Uttar Pradesh, 117 sugar mills have produced 40.70 lakh tonnes till 15th January, 2023, as against 120 sugar mills which had produced 40.2 lakh tonnes last year up yo same period.This is 0.5 lakh tonnes higher as compared to last season’s production for the corresponding period.

73 sugar mills in Karnataka are in operation, who have produced 33.60 lakh tonnes of sugar as on 15thJanuary,2023, as compared to 32.7 lakh tonnes produced by 72 sugar mills in 2021-22 SS on 15thJanuary, 2022.

In Gujarat, 16 sugar mills are operating for 2022-23 SS and they have produced 4.8 lakh tonnes of sugar till 15th January, 2023. In 2021-22 SS, 15 sugar mills were in operation on 15th January, 2022, who had produced 4.60 lakh tonnes of sugar till that date.

In Tamil Nadu, 26 sugar mills are in operation as compared to 23 mills operated on 15th January last year. Sugar mills in Tamil Nadu have produced about 3.6 lakh tonnes of sugar till 15th January, 2023 as against 2.1 lakh tonnes produced last year on the corresponding date.

The remaining States of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Odisha have collectively produced 13.8 lac tons of sugar till 15th January, 2023.

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