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USDA's Prospective Plantings Report Projects Increase in Corn and Wheat Planting for 2023

1 Apr 2023 9:27 am
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Mumbai, April 1 (Commoditiescontrol):The United States Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has released its Prospective Plantings report for 2023. The report is based on surveys conducted during the first two weeks of March from a sample of nearly 73,000 farm operators nationwide. The report provides the first official, survey-based estimates of US farmers' planting intentions for 2023.
Corn Planting Estimates

According to the report, US producers surveyed intend to plant 92.0 million acres of corn in 2023, which is up 4% from last year. Planted acreage intentions for corn are up or unchanged in 40 of the 48 estimating states. The most significant increase is expected in North Dakota, where producers intend to plant 800,000 more acres than in 2022. If realized, the planted area of corn in Arizona and Idaho will be the largest on record.
Soybean Planting Estimates

Soybean growers intend to plant 87.5 million acres in 2023, up slightly from last year. Acreage increases from previous year of 100,000 or more are expected in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. In addition, record high acreage is expected in Illinois, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Wheat Planting Estimates

The report also estimates that all wheat planted area for 2023 is estimated at 49.9 million acres, which is up 9% from 2022. Winter wheat planted area, at 37.5 million acres, is up 2% from the previous estimate and up 13% from last year. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2023 is expected to total 10.6 million acres, down 2% from 2022. Durum wheat is expected to total 1.78 million acres for 2023, up 9% from last year.
Cotton Planting Estimates

The report estimates that all cotton planted area for 2023 is expected to total 11.3 million acres, which is 18% below last year.

In conclusion, the Prospective Plantings report by NASS indicates that US producers intend to plant more corn and wheat in 2023 compared to 2022. In addition, soybean growers intend to plant slightly more acres than last year. However, the cotton planted area is expected to decrease significantly. These estimates are subject to change due to various factors such as weather conditions, market prices, and policy changes.

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